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Rad Man Minerals

MICRMOUNT: Galena (Radioactive) - Kateřina Coal Mine, Radvanice, Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic

MICRMOUNT: Galena (Radioactive) - Kateřina Coal Mine, Radvanice, Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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While this specimen may closely resemble the lab-grown Bismuth crystals that you see available, this is actually a sample of the lead-sulphide mineral Galena from the Kateřina Coal Mine, Radvanice, Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Besides their appearance, the other unusual property of these Galena specimens is that they are slightly radioactive as well!

This is due to the presence of radioactive Pb-210 and Bi-210 that was deposited from the fumes of burning coal heaps in the mine. This makes these Galena specimens technically TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) and a unique addition to any mineral collection. As the locality for these specimens has been closed down and rehabilitated, no new material will be coming out of there.

The radioactivity of these specimens is really quite low, ranging from ~25-100 CPM on my SE International Ranger EXP. Your results may vary depending on the instrument you are using.

Approx size: 7mm x 5mm x 2mm

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